Community of Evaluators Nepal – (CoE-Nepal) released Newsletter Vol. 4. November 2015.
In the Newsletter:
Global Evaluation Week commemorated the International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear) and launched the 2016-2020 evaluation agenda in Kathmandu, Nepal from November 23 to 27 this year jointly by EvalPartners, Community of Evaluators South Asia, Community of Evaluators Nepal, National Parliamentarians Forum on Development Evaluation Policy of Nepal, Good Governance and Monitoring Committee of the Parliament of Nepal and the Government of Nepal.
The main EvalYear ceremony took place on November 25 at the Parliament of Nepal. It was inaugurated by the Right Honourable Speaker of the Parliament of Nepal Onsari Gharti with the launching of the following five events: (1) Global Evaluation Agenda 2016-2020; (2) the Global Parliamentarian Forum for Evaluation, a global partnership for evaluation and evidence-based policy making; (3) the EvalGender+, the global partnership for equityfocused and gender-responsive evaluations; and (4) the EvalYouth+, the global partnership for young evaluators and (5) the EvalIndigenous. Another point of attraction was the handing over of Evaluation Torch to Nepal Team.
Please read below the full Newsletter.