Hari Dhungana, Ph.D.
- Group:Advisory Committee
Hari Dhungana, Ph.D.
I am Associate Professor of Development Management and Governance at the Faculty of Management and Law of Nepal Open University (www.nou.edu.np). At the University, I coordinate the program Master of Science in Development Management and Governance (MSDMG), and teach a number of courses, including on “Development Philosophy and Theories,” “Development Planning and Implementation, and “Ethics and Accountability” and “Federalism and Resource Allocation”. In addition, I work as an expert on studies related to federal governance, local governance, accountability and integrity, civil society and justice movements; and in development evaluation in general. I worked as Governance Expert in Nepal’s first “Nepal National Governance Survey 2017-18” and led thematic analysis on Integrity in Nepal: Transparency, Corruption and Accountability. I am also engaged in sectoral political economy studies in service delivery areas, such as on education sector and disaster risk reduction.
Prior to this, I co-founded and led Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (www.sias-southasia.org) for the initial five years (2011-15). At SIAS, I led collaborative research and engagements on climate change adaptation and mitigation, safeguards and international norms on environment and development, institutional interactions related to climate change and disaster risk reduction/management, political economy analysis of education and health sectors, conflict and cooperation in Reducing Emissions in Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). I was also involved in network facilitation on public policy research in Nepal.
I am currently a member of Community of Evaluators – Nepal, while in the past I worked as its Treasurer and subsequently as Chairperson. I have conducted a number of evaluations, such as for South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication, UNDP’s projects on DRR/M, and Institute of Forestry/Copenhagen University project on academic collaboration.