Ramesh M. Tuladhar, Ph.D.
Founder Chairperson, Adviser
- Group:Advisory Committee
Ramesh M. Tuladhar, Ph.D.
Founder Chairperson, Adviser
Dr. Ramesh Tuladhar was born in Bagmati Province and had schooling in in Kathmandu but had higher education abroad – M. Sc in Applied Geology from IIT/ISM, India in 1973 and Ph. D in Economic Geology from Austria in 1986. He joined the Dept. of Mines & Geology (DMG) as Geologist 1975 and continued through 1988 as Divisional Geologist. He was promoted to Senior Div. Geologist & transferred to Dept. of Irrigation in 1989. He was the 12th elected President of Nepal Geological Society (2005- 2007). To his credit there are several Geological Seminars & Workshops in Nepal at national, regional and international level including 5th Regional Conference on Engineering Geology and Major Infrastructure Development and Natural Hazards Mitigation 2005 in collaboration with IAEG. He was promoted to Superintending Hydrogeologist & transferred to Dept. of Water Induced Disaster Prevention in 2008. He had contributed to formulation and review of Water Induced Disaster Risk Reduction Policy and Strategy. He was awarded with “Bhubaneshower Pravidhi Puruskar” for contributing towards raising Awareness on Water Induced Disasters including Preparedness such as Early Warning System & Evacuation System in 2006. There are several published scientific papers and pertinent articles to his credit. He had presented in a number of national, regional and international workshops. He got retired from the Government of Nepal service as the Chief Hydrogeologist towards end of 2008.
Thereafter he switched on to the Monitoring and Evaluation field to build his carrier as a Monitoring & Evaluation specialist. He had conducted the Final Evaluation of DIPECHO III Program in 2007 under EU implemented by Action Aid Nepal, CARE Nepal and Oxfam GB Nepal. He had also worked as a Team Leader of Rural Empowerment Society in 2007, a partner of UNDP Nepal: Conducting Training on Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Planning for the Communities of Sindhuli, Sarlahi, Syangja, Tanahu, Makwanpur and Chitwan He joined the Community of Evaluators – South Asia as a Founder Member in 2008. And he established the Community of Evaluators – Nepal as Founder Chairperson in 2011. He organized the Evaluation Conclave 2015 in Nepal as a Coordinator jointly and in support of the Community of Evaluators – South Asia. He worked as the Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant in the Building Resilience to Climate Hazards (BRCH/PPCR) Project funded by the World Bank and implemented by the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology from 2013 through 2020.
Currently Dr. Tuladhar is an adviser to the CoE-Nepal Executive Board as well as Nepal Geological Society and a member of Monitoring & Evaluation Committee of Disaster Preparedness Network – Nepal. He is also engaged as a member of Editorial Board of the Singapore based Journal of Geological Research. He has recently published an editorial entitled “Climate Change and Natural Disasters: Are They linked? (Volume 03 | Issue 03 | July 2021).