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CoE-Nepal Newsletter – November 2018

Community of Evaluators Nepal – (CoE-Nepal) released Newsletter Vol. 8. November 2018.

In the Newsletter:

Community of Evaluator (CoE- Nepal) organized a short training session on Real World Evaluation. The session was facilitated by well-known evaluator and Real World Evaluation champion Jim Rugh. With his five decade long experience in evaluation, he provided a lot of thought provoking ideas to manage the evaluation even in the difficult
situation such as working Under Budget, Time, Data, and Political Constraints. Jim Rugh as one of the author of Real World Evaluation provides specific guidance on how to conduct evaluations when working under resource and/or data constraints. The authors illustrate options for addressing each constraint through practical examples from both developed and developing countries to show how adapting to different types of exigencies can lead to successful evaluations.

The meeting was held on 21st June and attended by about 20 evaluators. Jim gave presentation on the various issues and challenges of real world evaluation and provided some practical suggestions how to overcome them. The presentation was followed by group exercises to understand the context and challenge where participants got opportunity to play roles of clients and evaluators. Many evaluators realized the exercise was very helpful to understand the situation and they wanted more of this kind of exercise.

Please read below the full Newsletter: