The Community of Evaluators-Nepal (CoE-Nepal) in partnership with the National Parliamentarian Forum for Development Evaluation in Nepal (NPFDEPN) and under the technical guidance of the National Planning Commission (NPC) has been implementing a project, “Strengthening National Capacity to Evaluate Localized SDGs with an Equity Focused and Gender Responsive Lens” supported by International Organization For Cooperation In Evaluation (IOCE), which is in its completion phase by March 2017. In this process, CoE-Nepal has been conducting several studies aiming at contributing to national evaluation capacity development processes.
In this regard, CoE-Nepal organized a Consultation Workshop on Gender Responsive & Equity Focused Evaluation on 17 March 2017 to have interactive consultation sessions and update the findings of the three following documents:
- Assessment of evaluation methodologies from gender-responsive and equity-focused lens
- Codes of Ethics for evaluation in SDG context, and
- Review of the Monitoring and Evaluation Bill of the Government from gender and equity lens